Supply Chain White Papers 

IOS continues to serve the healthcare community with trusted supply chain management resources. Working together, our expert practitioners and industry thought leaders help enable new levels of supply chain automation and performance.  

Getting to Best Practice: A Guide to Improving Healthcare’s Daily Supply Chain Processes

As we consider the primary mission of the healthcare industry – to provide the highest quality, most effective and appropriate patient care at the best possible cost – we can also consider the need to standardize business processes in order to achieve the outcomes healthcare organizations and their patients desire.

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10 Ways to Right Size On-Hand Inventory and Improve Supply Chain Performance

Throughout provider organizations, team members with supply chain responsibilities continue to seek ways to reduce costs. While great progress has been made, more savings and efficiencies are needed, and in today’s healthcare environment, every supply item and every penny counts. As long term savings opportunities continue to evolve, there’s a significant opportunity that exists today, which can be immediately realized: change the way inventory is managed

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