These are some recent enhancements added to our ENVI application:

  • Interfacing: DFT fields population improvement
  • Interfacing: ADT fields population improvement
  • Usage: LI ‘Unit Cost’ and ‘Unit Price’ editing for Submitted usages
  • Usage: ‘Usage Upload’ success cases
  • Usage Batch Extraction: ‘ExpenseLedgerNo’ field
  • Usages: ‘Edit Date to a Prior Month’ privilege logic
  • Roles Usage section: ‘Edit Date to a prior month’ privilege
  • Inventory Resources: ‘Enable and Disable Purchasing
  • Inventory: Facility filter: Obtaining correct Inventory group
  • Matched Invoice for Return PO: Removing update inventory cost
  • Interfacing: ADT ‘Run Test’ button
  • Usage: Resources tab